We provide a number of programs for those wishing to learn more about our faith, take steps within that faith or simply have a greater understanding of who we are.  These include:

Bar/Bat Mitzvah program

Pre Bar Mitzvah program

Cheder/Sunday school

Adult education and shiurim


Bar/Bat Mitzvah program

Our Bar/Bat Mitzvah program will commence in 2022. Interested? Register your interest or send questions to us below.

Pre Bar Mitzvah program

Our pre-Bar Mitzvah program will commence in 2022, with morning services (shacharit) and breakfast for boys and their dads (or significant person). Interested? Please contact us below

Cheder/Sunday school

Our cheder/Sunday school will commence in 2022, providing children at non-Jewish schools the opportunity to learn and create meaningful connections to Judaism. Interested? Please contact us below:

Adult education and shiurim

Our Rabbis conduct shiurim and enrichment programs, and these are advertised in our weekly newsletter. Interested? Please contact us below: