Welcome to the Sassoon Yehuda Sephardi Synagogue

We are a warm and all welcoming Orthodox Sephardi Synagogue, in Balaclava, Melbourne. Our members stem predominately from the Middle East and India. We conduct services, as well as educational, cultural and social events; and provide outreach programs to those in need through our charity, Friends of Sassoon Yehuda.

We offer our members not just a beautiful Synagogue, a spiritual home, but a place to socialise, feel proud about their cultural heritage, and feel valued.

Our Services

Shabbat services are run every Saturday morning 9.10am.

To attend please speak with the Rabbi via email rabbi@sephardivic.com


We offer a range of educational programs throughout the year including:

Bar/Bat Mitzvah, Pre Bar Mitzvah, Chedar/Sunday School and Adult Education/Shiurim


Community is core to our Jewish life, and we welcome all Jews to attend our religious services.


Interested in getting involved?  Our volunteers make a difference in the lives of many in the community.