What is SONG?

SONG was established in 2007 by Paul Berman, Jacques Levy, Marcel Levy, Danny Segman, and David Laloum, to inject new energy in to the Sephardi community, ensuring our culture did not “disappear”. They wanted to ensure that our traditions, music, foods, and culture were valued; and worked together as a team in organising events, movie nights, and talks.

We owe it to our parents to keep the tradition going.” Jacques Levy, whose parents were born in Egypt.

Today’s SONG

Under the leadership of Joanne Levy, and Abraham Cohen, SONG has been revitalised in 2023, to ensure that our Sephardi traditions and heritage is preserved for the next generation.

SONG overarches the Sassoon Yehuda Sephardi Synagogue, and its affiliated charity, Friends of Sassoon Yehuda (FOSY). It ensures that our services, programs, events, as well as our charitable work are all promoting and valuing our traditions.

SONG is not just for Sephardim, but also for those in the Jewish, and wider community who are interested in our rich traditions, and cultural background.

The Board have endorsed the following exciting initiatives – adult and children learning programs, a Sephardi Film Festival, Sephardi street fair, as well as Shabbat/Chag dinners and lunches. We are working with other Sephardi Synagogues and organisations both here in Australia, and also overseas, to ensure a strong Sephardi community in Australia.